How to Prepare Your Child for Lower School

St. Timothy's student walking into school from car pool

The progression from Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten to First Grade is an exciting stage in a student’s academic journey. After completing their early childhood education, students are ready to transition to Lower School and embrace their next chapter as young learners. 

As a parent, supporting your child as they enter Lower School will smooth their transition. Whether you offer homework assistance or organizational tips, preparing your child for the next step of their education will motivate them to become a more confident, successful learner. Below, the team at St. Timothy’s School offers a few useful tips for preparing your child to enter Lower School. 

Build Excitement

While Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten set the stage for a child’s education, Lower School is where the learning really accelerates. As families anticipate the academic and social strides of Lower School, many parents find ways to build excitement around this exciting transition. Talk to your child about what new, exciting things are in store for them in lower school, such as community field trips, group projects, and immersive extra-curriculars. Doing so will help your child form a positive, anticipatory outlook on their next chapter.  

Establish a Routine

Children thrive when they follow healthy routines, from eating a nutritious breakfast before school to reading a book before bed. Forming these kinds of daily habits encourages students to keep better track of their assignments and extracurriculars and keeps them organized and focused. As a parent, establishing an at-home routine a few weeks before school starts will put your child on the path toward success. Adding structure to their day will acclimate your child to their organized Lower School schedule and help them create healthy, long-lasting habits to improve their overall mood and alertness throughout the school day. 

Ask Questions

Before your child starts Lower School, find time to sit down and talk to them about their expectations. During this conversation, ask thoughtful questions about their feelings toward the upcoming school year. What are they most excited about? What are they most nervous about? What can you do to help? Create a safe space for open conversation so your child can outwardly express their feelings about this transition. These conversations should be light-hearted and comfortable. You might choose to bring these questions up casually, like while taking a walk around the block or during a car ride.

Visit the Classroom

Visiting your child’s Lower School during Meet the Teacher events prior to the start of school will calm some first-day nerves for both you and your child. For your child, taking a trip to their future classroom will instill comfort and confidence and give them familiar faces to look for on their first day. 

Private Education at St. Timothy’s School

St. Timothy’s School is a private school in Raleigh, NC, that offers a comprehensive education for Pre-K through Eighth-Grade students. Our Lower School, in particular, provides an academically challenging, age-appropriate curriculum that builds confident and caring young learners. Visit our site today to learn more about Lower School at St. Timothy’s School.