Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten

We engage pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students through creative play and hands-on learning in our Early Childhood Program. By creating a supportive and fun-filled learning environment, we foster each child’s emerging abilities, recognizing their individual strengths and needs. Our curriculum encourages young students to begin developing an understanding of the world around them by trying new things and stepping out of their comfort zones in a safe, nurturing setting. This rich and varied approach inspires creativity and imagination, enhances their wonder of learning, and prepares them for tomorrow.
Our teachers honor childhood by putting the needs of our youngest students at the heart of both curriculum and schedules. Students participate in an opening and closing meeting each day, co-curricular classes each week (Music, Spanish, Science Lab, Imagination Lab, PE, Art, Media), and a weekly Chapel service. We create an optimal learning foundation that supports each student’s intellectual, social-emotional, and spiritual growth.
For our youngest learners, we balance learning and play through a variety of activities. Our daily schedule allows for creative play and student choice that builds independence, academic skills, problem-solving, and hands-on learning. Our academic curriculum focuses on developing early literacy and math skills that will be the foundation for learning for years to come.
- Letter names/sounds
- Sounds within words
- Rhyming
- Listening comprehension
- Blending sounds and reading words/sentences (if and when ready)
- Fine motor skills
- Counting and sorting
- Shapes and colors
- Adding and subtracting
- Using strategies to solve problems
Program Highlights:
- Free-choice centers
- Crafts, songs and games
- Three recesses daily
- Rest time
- Community field trips and speakers
- Pumpkin Parade performance
- Pre-K Cafe parent event
In kindergarten, we continue to balance learning and play. We encourage students to explore their emerging interests and skills, appreciate literature, refine oral expression, build on problem-solving skills, and cooperate with peers. We build upon preschool literacy and math skills to enhance the foundation for future learning.
- Letter names/sounds
- Foundational phonics skills
- Blending sounds and reading words/sentences
- Common sight words
- Reading and comprehending grade-level texts
- Express thoughts and ideas with speaking and writing
- Counting larger sets and numbers
- 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Adding and subtracting
- Building basic number sense
- Using strategies to solve problems
Program Highlights:
- Crafts, songs and games
- Two recesses daily
- Rest time
- Free-choice centers
- Community field trips and speakers
- Pumpkin Parade performance
- Easter Hat Parade
- Biggles and Littles (K/4th grade buddies)
- Mo Willems Writing Event