4 Ways to Improve Communication With Your Child’s Teachers

Parent and student speaking with a St. Timothy's teacher

From the moment your child begins attending school, the different teachers they encounter quickly become significant figures in your family’s life. The role of both the parent and teacher is to find ways to effectively communicate with one another, working together to pave a successful pathway for your child’s education. 

At St. Timothy’s School, we encourage parents and teachers to communicate with each other regularly. By doing so, families and faculty strengthen our sense of community and exemplify dignity, respect, and compassion among our students. If you’re seeking ways to improve communication with your child’s teachers, read our comprehensive list of communication tips. 

Establish Communication Early

It’s never too early to get to know your child’s teacher! At the beginning of the school year, take advantage of any “meet the teacher” events to introduce yourself to your child’s teachers. Post Covid, many schools like ours are offering different ways to get in touch via in person or zoom. 

Whether it’s a phone call, video conference, or email exchange, even the smallest virtual introductions can make a world of difference. Getting acquainted and comfortable with one another early on lays the foundation for a positive year-long relationship that will significantly benefit your child’s school experience. 

Define Your Expectations

As a parent, you may envision what the school year will look like for your child. Throughout your early interactions with your child’s teacher, discuss how you want your child to grow personally and academically. Voice specific goals or concerns you have for your child. By expressing your expectations, you can also ask teachers how you can add value and support at home. Whether it’s encouraging your child to read more or implementing screen time restrictions at home, there are several ways to contribute to your child’s emotional and intellectual development in the early school years. 

Get Involved

Volunteering is a great way to get to know your child’s school educators. There are ample opportunities to build relationships with school faculty when you participate in volunteer activities. At St. Timothy’s School, we invite parents to join our parent organization, Friends of STS, allowing them to become a part of our school community in a capacity that best suits their schedule. From pizza lunches to annual festivals, our parent association plays an integral role in community-building events.

Pay Attention to Weekly School Newsletters and Class Newsletters

For most schools, important information is sent via email on a regular basis. St. Timothy’s shares information through a school-wide weekly email as well as classroom specific newsletters. If you haven’t heard from the school or the teacher, make sure you are receiving emails from the school by contacting the school. Also, consider syncing with the school’s calendar on your mobile device to keep track of the latest happenings. 

Private Education at St. Timothy’s School

St. Timothy’s School fosters an open and communicative environment for our students, parents, and faculty. By encouraging effective communication between our families and educators, we create a community based on dignity and respect. Visit our site today to connect with the St. Timothy’s School community.