Student-Athlete Recognized for Achievements

Davis Cunningham receiving Leadership Award

During the annual graduation breakfast, Athletic Director Mike McConoughey awarded Davis Cunningham with the Chick-fil-A Second Mile Servant-Leadership Award. 

Sponsored by the North Hills Chick-fil-A managed by St. Timothy’s alumnus Rally de Leon, this recognition is given to the student-athlete who best displays humility, a positive attitude, good work ethic, good sportsmanship, and great character. The award is peer and coach nominated, and the winner is selected through an anonymous voting process. 

Coach Mike said, “Davis had a wonderful year at St. Timothy’s School participating in soccer, basketball, and track and field. He instantly integrated into the culture and became a natural leader and wonderful teammate!”

Davis’s name is now inscribed on a plaque in the St. Timothy’s School trophy case—and he’ll receive a year of free Chick-fil-A sandwiches.

Congratulations to Davis!