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Eighth Graders Participate in Day of Service

St. Timothy's students packing meals for Day of Service

Participation in the National Day of Service and Remembrance is an annual tradition for eighth-grade students at St. Timothy’s.

Just two days before the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, current eighth graders joined millions of Americans serving in remembrance of the lives lost during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Students worked with Rise Against Hunger to package over 17,000 meals for people facing hunger across the globe. Before the event began, a representative from Rise Against Hunger described the prevalence of poverty in the world, citing the latest statistic from the World Health Organization that estimates over 828 million people are suffering from extreme hunger—about 1 in every 10 people. 

CBS-17, a local news station, visited campus to feature this service-learning event in the mid-day newscast.

After the meal-packing event, students spent the rest of the day learning more about the events of 9/11 through an online webinar put on by the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. Docents of the museum were available to answer students’ questions via the chat feature of the webinar. To end the day, students were given an opportunity to reflect on what they learned.

While September 9 is not the official National Day of Service and Remembrance, the goal of the day was for students to feel the power of working towards a common goal, especially in the face of such a tragedy. 

Acting Head of School Tim Coleman stated, “Among the many feelings left in the wake of those attacks, the national unity and desire to help felt in the days immediately following September 11 is something we want to make sure our students understand.” 

Eighth Graders Participate in Day of Service
Eighth Graders Participate in Day of Service
Eighth Graders Participate in Day of Service