Budding Scientists Present Their Projects

St. Timothy's students giving a presentation in the gym

On Monday, January 10, the gym at St. Timothy’s was transformed into a socially-distant judging stage for the 2022 St. Timothy’s School Science and Engineering Fair. More than 50 first through eighth graders voluntarily created well-thought-out projects and third through eighth graders presented their projects to independent judges.

The students who participated in the Science and Engineering Fair discovered answers to all sorts of scientific queries, such as the brightest thing in the night sky or the shape that makes the strongest bridge. 

After deliberating about the best projects, the judges decided on the winners of the 2022 Science and Engineering Fair. Congratulations to the following students: 

Junior Division (Grades 6-8)

First Place: Brooke Hershberger (8th), Effect of Press Handstands on Cast Handstands, advancing to Region 3A competition

Second Place: Cole Harris (7th), How A High Intensity Workout Affects Memory, advancing to Region 3A competition

Third Place: Dexter Brickell (8th), Which Soil Cover Best Stops Erosion?

Honorable Mention: Mc Sentgeorge (7th), Which Is The Best Water Purification System?

Elementary Division (Grades 3-5)

First Place: Camden McGee (3), Does Battery Size Matter?, advancing to Region 3A competition

Second Place: Conrad Ives (3), How Different Soil Conditions Affect Plant Growth, advancing to Region 3A competition

Third Place: Harrison Johnson (3), Wash Or Water: Which Cleans Best?

Third Place: Erica Heuser (5), Batteries: Hot or Cold?

Brooke Hershberger, Cole Harris, Camden McGee and Conrad Ives will represent St. Timothy’s at the Region 3A Science and Engineering Fair in February. Best of luck to our student scientists!