Head of School Tim Tinnesz
For two decades, Tim Tinnesz has served children and families as a volunteer, teacher, and school and community leader. In 2012, he became the fourth head of school in St. Timothy’s history.
Tim served two terms on the board of the North Carolina Association of Independent Schools, currently serves on the Board of Trustees at Triangle Day School, and served two terms as Board Chair of Note in the Pocket, a local nonprofit that provides clothing to homeless and impoverished schoolchildren in the Triangle region. Tim served as President of the Rotary Club of Crabtree in 2018-19 when the Club earned the 2019 Fred Fletcher Award of Excellence, the highest volunteer service award given by the City of Raleigh. He also regularly travels to independent schools around the southeastern U.S. as an active participant on the Southern Association of Independent Schools’ reaccrediting teams.
A trusted media source, Tim has contributed articles, blogs, and interviews featured by NBC’s Education Nation, Your Teen Magazine, WRAL, and Carolina Parent.
Tim earned his B.A. with High Honors from the University of Florida, where he was the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Valedictorian and one of two aspiring social studies educators, selected per state, to receive the prestigious James Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship. He earned his M.A. from Georgetown University and served as an interviewer for the Georgetown Admissions Program.
Tim and his wife, Karen, have three sons: Will, a member of the St. Timothy’s Class of 2022; Patrick, a member of the STS Class of 2023; and Sean, a member of the St. Timothy’s Class of 2026.